
MERGING+NADAC   Network Attached Digital to Analogue Converter

MERGING+NADAC was born out of the repeated request from Merging’s mastering and recording engineer customers to provide a DAC for the audiophile market. This would be for their own customers, the music lovers, the high-resolution lovers, the purity lovers, a DAC able to reproduce the same experience, the same transparency they, as engineers, enjoyed in their studio when working on their Masters.

The universally acclaimed sound quality, transparency and precision of the Horus and Hapi professional converters was something these engineers were dying to offer to the people who were purchasing their music, their chef d’oeuvre.

We carefully listened and designed MERGING+NADAC based on the Horus and Hapi architecture and principle, but with a lot of improvements expected by the audiophile market, like channel summing, dedicated headphone DA, unique ergonomics and of course a superb aluminum chassis.

Not only did we deliver state of the art music listening in an audiophile environment, but also introduced some radical design enhancements to MERGING+NADAC, like tablet and smartphone remote control as well as some of the recipes which made Horus and Hapi such a great success and revolutionary in their own market. Most notably, the network audio communication through RAVENNA. You will find below some details about the benefits of this technology.

MERGING+NADAC has been immediately acclaimed and adopted worldwide and is now distributed in most territories. Please refer to our Sales section to find a distributor near you.

Many ecstatic reviews have been published confirming that MERGING+NADAC is definitely something special. Please refer to our News section to find a collection of rave reviews from many countries. Prestigious awards have also been a pleasant feature of the last year.

MERGING+NADAC also exists in a version embedding a complete music player enjoying the state of the art Roon user interface. Please check it here:

MERGING+NADAC and MERGING+PLAYER share the same superb audio specification and features. Please check them here:

Golden ears have told us that our components sound incredible, but we wanted to see if we could improve even more. So we built an external power supply: MERGING+POWER!
If you care about the ultimate fidelity, this is the magic ingredient to add to your MERGING+NADAC!



So, be prepared, this may not be a DAC for everyone and those just looking for flashy electronics or exaggerated sound artifacts should look elsewhere.

MERGING+NADAC is about transparency and purity!

You will get the music AS IT’S BEEN RECORDED AND MASTERED, period. Exactly as in the studio, exactly as it was intended by the engineers and producers, exactly, no less, but even more important, no more!

  • “Listening sessions with these masterpieces through the NADAC at near-concert levels have been some of my most thrilling listening experiences.”
    Kalman Rubinson
  • “Those qualities -- solidity of images, density of tonal colors -- were present in all the music I played through the NADAC.”
    Jeff Fritz
    SoundStage! Network
  • “Seems that NADAC and Roon is a match made in Heaven:-)”
    Thomas Hjorth Hørlyck
  • “I'm confident that it's really that good…it's the best that I've heard in DSD and high-resolution PCM/DXD DACs to date.”
    David Robinson
    Positive Feedback
  • “I found the NADAC Multichannel-8 flawless. It provided some of the best sound I have ever heard in my home.”
    Kalman Rubinson
  • “This immediately made me sit forward on my chair. Even taking into account the fact that we were using an excellent demonstration system, the singer’s voice was reproduced with great clarity, in an especially solid, three-dimensional form between the loudspeakers.”
    Takahito Miura
    Stereo Sound
  • “Rendons à César ce qui appartient à César : je n'ai pas encore entendu une reproduction plus claire et plus détaillée de fichiers DSD que celle offerte par le Nadac utilisé en liaison Ethernet. Le niveau de transparence est exceptionnel.”
    Joel Chevassus
    Audiophile Magazine
  • “I was struck by the NADAC’s extraordinarily vibrant, lucid, transparent, and highly three-dimensional presentation!”
    Chris Martens
    The Absolute Sound
  • “In fact, the NADAC did wonders with this track: Podger’s instrument sounded like no mere facsimile of a violin. Instead, the sounds of the strings were so tangible that I felt I could reach out and wrap my hand around them. The highest frequencies were delicately rendered and sounded completely natural -- the antithesis of early digital. There were no hard edges, no overly crisp transients -- just beautiful sound.”
    Jeff Fritz
    SoundStage! Network
  • “The honesty of the Merging device simply makes it seem like it is playing music totally unconstrained by the electronics.”
    Alan Sircom
    HI FI+